Unique Ring Motor for DARPA Unmanned Vehicles

A high-efficiency brushless ring motor based on patented electromotive coil technology is reducing energy consumption and increasing operational time for DARPA Unmanned Vehicles. For ground and underwater vehicles, the ring motor can eliminate transmissions, allow larger payloads, and provide an ability to move faster, farther, or longer between battery charges. Read All

Non-Cogging Motor Improves Grinding

Mating a non-cogging motor with an ultra-precision air-bearing spindle enabled a micro-grinder spindle/indexing system for outside diameter (OD) grinding and profiling of parts with diameters as small as 25 microns. The non-cogging motor eliminated flat spots caused by conventional brushless motor cogging, while improving accuracy, repeatability, and surface finish. Read All

ThinGap Lands $750K DARPA SBIR

Ventura-based ThinGap has landed a $750,000 DARPA contract for developing components for unmanned electric-drive vehicles. The Phase II Small Business Innovation Research Contract (SBIR II) focuses on developing an electric drive stator and armature for use in electric vehicles. The technology has the promise of a wheel hub-mounted motor assembly, eliminiating the weight of motors and a drive train in the vehicle, dramatically simplifying drive rains and increasing reliability. The company said that U.S. military is investigating the use of electric-drive unmanned ground vehicles for a variety of applications. Read All

Slotless, Brushless PM Motor Is Efficient

Despite Some Declarations That Electric Motors Have Become “Commodity Items,” New Motor Innovations Continue To Reach The Market Via Novel Hardware Refinements And New Software Tools. For Instance, TG3600 Series Slotless, Brushless PM Motors From ThinGap Motor Technologies (Ventura, CA) Incorporate New Winding Technology That Promises To Eliminate Eddy Current And Hysteresis Losses, And Obtain … Read All