Robotics Trends, Miniature Motors, and the New LSI 25-10

Recently, MachineDesign released an article on the four biggest robotics trends and the need for miniature motors. The release of this article coincides nicely with the release of our newest LS series product: the LSI 25-10.

Compared to the larger gimbal motors produced by ThinGap, the LSI 25-10 is about the size of a men’s wedding band. Its small size makes it ideal for robots in the medical, warehousing, security and process automation fields. Using the industry trends identified in the article, we have analysed some of the key benefits of our LSI 25-10.

Trend 1: Mobility & Footprint

As stated, many robotics companies are working on unique challenges that require direct-drive motors that are “mobile, dexterous and compact.” As an example, smaller than a quarter, the LSI 25-10 is able to maximize power and torque density, making it ideal for multiple-jointed solutions.

Trend 2: Robustness & Extended Life

The article mentions robots in surgical applications as an example of why durability is such a crucial characteristic in miniature motors. The motors used in surgical robots must be able to withstand “repeated high-temperature and pressure cycles during the sterilization process.” Unlike many other small motors, the LSI 25-10 is able to endure exposure to harsh conditions in atypical environments.

Trend 3: Safety & Analytics

Safely and predictably, two of the most crucial characteristics needed in miniature motors, are required in applications such as robotic surgical systems, realistic flight simulators and even collaborative robots. ThinGap motors have already been used in these applications given that they address the need for a feedback loop in which the operation (or software controlled system) is able to detect resistance. ThinGap’s patented technology provides both drive and feedback, thereby eliminating the need for additional components and not introducing further distortions. The LS series motors have a torque-versus-angle curve of less than 1% harmonic distortion.

Trend 4: Autonomy & Multi-Axis Control

The demand for autonomous systems clearly continues to drive the need for the effective use of small, highly efficient motors paired with advanced sensors. In this way, the compact nature of ThinGap motors make them ideal for multi-axial armatures and robotics, combined with zero-cogging which equates to smooth motion, needed by optical sensors and high speed lasers, as used in LiDAR.

For more information on our LS series of spotless motors, check out our products page.