The first in a series of posts co-written with ThinGap’s sister company Airex, these will go in-depth on the importance of vacuum compatibility. ThinGap has an extensive track record of supporting applications that require vacuum compatibility and low outgassing requirements, such as space and semiconductor.
Vacuum applications present a unique set of challenges for electromagnet actuation. Brushless DC motors, whether rotary or linear, are composed of materials and built by processes that do not readily make them vacuum compatible. When considering a motion system requiring vacuum, partnering with a trusted motor/motion system supplier, with a proven history in high vacuum applications, will save you time and money. Allied Motion products from ThinGap, ALIO Industries, Sierramotion and Airex have all been successful in vacuum applications within the space and semi segments for the past twenty years. This tech note will share some of their application knowledge regarding motor and motion system in vacuum environments.